Monday, January 27, 2014

The" ANTI" Thing......

Sometimes I feel as though I have to write my thoughts on this thing, the Bible thing,the Religious thing...

Because I believe it is so much a part of our American culture, even so ingrained that we do not even realize it. We are told to never talk of Politics nor Religious, an easy way of getting into an argument or a fight. Yet these are things that need to be addressed, for they forge the problems we have in society.

As an example let us look at Romans chapter 1...this is one of the verses of scripture used to fuel the Anti-Gay thing, and yet we know little of what it is ACTUALLY saying, we have OUR opinions and/or what SOMEONE else says about it, but what is it REALLY saying??? what is it's intension? .. when we get to Chapter 2, in reading carefully there are hints along the lines of judging, like we all are NOT  to judge, because we ALL do the same THINGS. So let God be the judge, we CANNOT think HOW God will judge. God will judge, BUT (not) how MAN will judge. In the old testament DAVID said he would rather fall into the hands of GOD then into the hands of MAN, for with God their is MERCY. God does not THINK like Man, neither Man like God. Whatever you may call God?... Right brain/Left brain...Lower mind/Higher mind...Never FEAR God, for God is  There...But MAN?????Where?   

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