Saturday, March 8, 2014

I feel as though I am coming OUT to myself in this BLOG...

All my life, I have done how others wanted me to do, to act,do you relate??? I would collect southern gospel records for a radio show and collect clothing at the same time, is this weird? I figure only if you and I  think it's weird, is it weird. I figure that, that which is really you, cannot be changed, it will make it's OUT no matter which god/God you worship The southern gospel records, tapes, CDs,  are GONE, but "these" clothes remain. interesting?! They are bigger then god, hah.   

Friday, March 7, 2014

Take RESPONSIBILITY!! How to STAY Healthy, Ladies....

I haven't been here in awhile, Sorry Ladies... Been trying out, what they call "Earthing" and "Grounding" ...    Interesting to me, as I was involved in the health care field for many years, first having cross-trained at a Medical Service Specialist  in the Air Force while in Saigon at Ton Son Nhut air base, and while working at 377th Dispensary my interests fell on sexually transmitted disease, I think for obvious reasons. hmm! and did I see it, boy did I... I wonder why? So, then from there I went to ....

Mather AFB, in Rancho Cordova... working first on the medical unit as a freshly new medic from Saigon. ( They told me at Tan Son Nhut to tell them at my next duty station that I was a "NEW" medic... I guess I didn't enough, for I made a simple mistake, which was not a disaster, but sent me to work in the Emergency, which was staffed by others who had, 'fucked" in similar ways in the hospital, good people and well qualified, mind you, but they fucked up in another department.

Why am I telling you this? .... Qualifications, everyone has to have qualifications...

So, Next, homeward I go, out of the Air Force, to work at Mt Sinai Hospital in Hartford, as an orderly. The "older" part of the hospital,too. not for those with a lot of money. We Air Force "Medics"  get more responsibilities then, "Orderlies" do, for sure. So, not being challenging enough, it's on my way back to, not a millionaire, but "Californey is the place for me. So, I packed up my Tieyota and its off to  "Bay Area" swimming pools ? movie stars? hmm, not where I went.

Winding up in the U.S.N again, no, but back in uniform, not in a sailor suit, but at the time a, "milkman." Nice look for a Hospital Corpsman, after Hospital Corps School, Back in Oakland, again, my friend. Four years at Oak Knoll, ahead of me.

So see here my interest in healthcare.  Or in  the "Health Industry"

And I even tried a stint along the lines of what they call in christianity, "faith healing" I'm not proud, but aha aha aha. I think Jesus practiced "earthing" after all didn't he walk barefoot or at least with leather (oh something) sandals, with conductive soles. Then the time when he made clay of the spittle, you can't make clay of "just" spittle, has to have some earth to it, right and  anointed her eyes and told her to go wash in the pool. Gee, it's all conductive, earth + water, you figure, and he did say if you have the faith of a mustard seed, didn't he?  It's a small seed, but look at it's potential, look at the tree it produces, pretty big. Seems to me it didn't take a heck of a lot of faith, to see something "miraculous. It would just take a little effort and time to get back to the earth. I didn't find that "christianity" thought much of the earth, where we live. hence, the old hymn , "this world is not my home I'm just a passing through, my treasures are laid up, somewhere beyond the blue" ...... Well, just passing through would me that we live here, for a time. I think that the earth has something to offer us, and take care of us, wouldn't you?

Any questions? or comments?

The first thing that got a hold of me was smoking, in 1996,  I quit. The country songs, "smoke, smoke, smoke, that cigarette, says the one who invented it, I'd murder that son-of-gun  in the 3rd degree...    Well, he was right...murder is not strong enough, or is it. That smoking habit, gets a hold of you early, like when I went to 'boot camp" that's where it really is, it was 25 cents a pack in 1969. I'm glad I didn't smoke earlier in high school. Because it gets it's "claws" into you and yes it's "claws" because I believe the "claws" take some of you with it when it comes out, and I tried quitting so many times before, until I really had no reason to smoke anymore and just made up my mind that I was NOT a smoker. After the first 6 months I didn't have any desires and still don't for smoking cigarettes. The first month was the hardest and I was "spacey" and   waking up "dreaming" that I was smoking, come on, no cigarettes in the house. Who you gonna  called at 3 in the morning?  Smoke Busters??? The fire department?  no one up at, 3 except YOU, and where's the smoke? and why are you up? because you thought you were smoking? Well, who's gonna believe that cockamamie story? and well, ARE you?  I checked  and shook for 5-10 minutes to get the flames out and rolled on  the floor and  then went back to bed and slept. I never liked them cigarettes, anyway, just someone telling me that I should smoke and 'be a man" and who are they, anyway?... 3 o'clock has come an gone, so read on or go to sleep....Your comments welcome....