Tuesday, September 17, 2013

what's the News on NEW RD. in the still of the night?

What's it like on, New Rd, in the still of the night, really still, it's stiller then still, so still it should be illegal to be that still, in one given moment. Get the picture of one section of New Road only one is awake at night, and somewhat moving, and even in daytime it's still fairly still, except for more cars zooming by down the street, and it seems as though as soon as I'd start to move, towards the mailbox sure as shootin' a car will go by, or if I start backing, like math another car. If I stay in the house and didn't move, then no cars would come by, seems like it on New Rd., though, and I thought Indiana was slow? Just waiting on a transvestite to appear,and to brighten up the night or day, my take on the wonderful world of Transvestitites, if there is a god, then god created transvestites to brighten the night, and the day, ANGELS to give us all hope, for a better day to come. Makes you want to go right out and become a transvestite doesn't it?  Well, do you have a better explanation of what and why you may or may not be called to the high and holy privilege of being a Transvestite? Even those who are called, may wonder how to respond if someone ask you the question, " Why do you do that?" and in Indiana," Why do you dress like that?"" your a man!!  then dress like one"  Why do you choose to wear a uniform and drive around in cars with flashing lights? It's that natural? . I'll bet Officers TallMan, Newt and Donal may still be wondering about that anomaly that went through their town. "Why was he dressed as a girl?" and some of them still have wet dreams over this! TallMan even launched his own investigation and I don't truly know how and why, but I saw him drive into an apartment complex where I was at in his squad car, and talk to a fellow , who was always up late at night looking out his window. Weird couple they were,  I met them. I'd sware this guy was in on this investigation, because I was out walking around at night and I'm sure he saw me. This  in a way fits with  Yard Sale Older Lady, who accused me of stalking her. I found out later that a fellow in my town who had a car exactly like mine even down to similar license plate numbers so close, it could pin me. This fellow had been doing a job in which he drove that road every day. Now speak of coincidence ? Sounds pretty eerily  far fetched doesn't it? I still scratch my head over it. See, all this evidence TallMan had been gathering on me, for what good  reason? Probably as evidence to slander me if I ever decided to run for office. Just like the time while in the Navy. I was out on a sunday night doing laundry,  in El Cajon.  I carefully washed and  dried the one precious skirt I had acquired in a raid of a thrift store in San Luis Obispo, don't worry, no shots were fired, it was in a bag left outside, for me, see how god works. Before doing my laundry I purchased a new corn cob pipe you know for what? and smoked a teeny weenie bit of a teeny weeny bit, after my laundry was done, then duh, I decided to park in a dark spot in the parking lot next to the laundrymat and smoke more. I didn't know that this  dark spot was reserved for Officers of the El Cajon Police Department and soon found myself being told to "get out of the car" and the officers were searching through Jack-in-the-box rappers saying, "Don't you ever clean this car?' They found the smoke in the glove box.  I thought much later, what if they only caught me in the skirt?  Would I have been cuffed and made to ride downtown? It's only speculation now, but I got busted for pot to save that one and only precious skirt. It all worked out, an eternal night in jail, an eternal hour at the shore patrol station , and the long walk out of that van in front of all the other seamen  at break, would the U.S. Navy have paraded me through that crowd if I had been busted for and had that skirt on? jezus!! curses! but it was all just a little stunt I believe for most of the San Diego and surrounding police departments are  ex-navy. and surprisingly  the public defender never found those files on me. But I'll bet if I ever decide to run for office, some how those files will mysteriously  show up, where could they be? it's why so many good people never run for office for fear of those missing files showing up, and not  so much for the pot but for that precious little skirt.    

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Friendly chats with the Officers, TallMan, Newt & Donal.

My friendly chats with Officers, TallMan, Newt & Donal, I cannot forget these priceless precious moments . These fellows look for adventure and then don't see it for what it is. This happened just after I was at a tag sale, of an Older Lady. not Nora, I'll just call her Older Lady. Older Lady starts showing me all the "pretty clothes" her sister sent her, why me, does she know something? Obviously not, I didn't tell her,or give an inkling, I'm a man, I shouldn't be interested in her little pretties, should I? So, weird, me, thinks gee... I can be a friend, I'll return later on in full dress, shoes, purse and all, and knock on the door. Now I am not stoned, perfectly sober, and I don't realize that she is in there cowering and calling relatives to come to her aid,  geesus duh! So, I go back out to the car to discretely redress into something more presentable, and while a female relative arrives, and I decide to leave so she follows me down  the county road untill I decide to pull off. I stop and she warns me never to come around again. She thinks I'm stalking Older Lady as I learn later. I think this is the end this, but  I am confronted by Officers TallMan, Newt, & Donal at my residence. These "nice" gentle boys threaten me with incarceration and warn me if some of the other incarcerees get a hold of me what they will do, then mention the "chilling" horrifying words, the "County Prosecutor"   The Officers ask if I am seeking treatment of any kind, and I use the "christian" word deliverance, yes I am seeking "deliverance." The Officers don't understand, for they are really not aware of christian trends, are they?  So I clarify that I am seeking to "change." The Officers further threatens me to stay behind closed doors, it is implied that's where such behavior belongs.  Hey we are in the deepest darkest reddest Indiana, remember. I just told them the truth of my little hobby, to crossdress.  The funny part of all this is after our little talk is over, the Officers turn around and march away, and as they get a certain distance, as if on cue, all three Officers turn around and glare at me. I would assume that they are so flabbergasted of meeting someone like me that they can't believe their eyes, and ears. I can say I certainly used improper judgement in returning to the scene and scaring the sh** out of Older Lady, but why  did she tempt me with clothing? I had been perfectily "content," with dressing behind closed doors. Will I stop this insanely strange behavior? Absolutely not! I am harmless, I will harm no one, I just will use better judgement,  at all times when I go out. More to come possibly with the  Officers, TallMan, Newt, & Donal and maybe more with Older Lady, and Nora and the mysterious Mistress Michele.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Nora, good woman, Bill's wife till, Bill's death. FREE at last...

 I  must  tell you now  about Nora, she was so wonderful, Nora was Bill's wife, I worked with Bill in the orchard and the tree farm, he was the one who carried the oil can, so as to oil the chain on the chainsaw. Bill said it was the hardest job for a retiree to do, but we had fun working while Frank, who owned the farm,  walked around , he liked to get away, but his wife didn't want him out by himself he was around 80.

 Well, let's get back to Nora, I  never sat  much with her while Bill was alive and never met his son then. Nora  was different, but I could dig her,she was a bit older,  but, when one terribly needs to dress up in those "special" clothes, a friend like Nora is essential.  She was lonely after Bill died, and I could go over late at night and dress for her. Nora would give  pointers on lipstick an so on. I then I would dress and model all my "pretty" clothes for her, drink coffee and  kiss and hug,  just two of us girls, enjoying each others company, and chatting, you know, girl stuff.  Nora would tell me stories about how Bll, she thought, liked to wear her housecoat and  would warn her about the Holm boys,  for he was one himself.   I must tell you about the Holm boys. I never met them ,  Nora warned me that they would roar up and down the county road, in their pickup trucks,  putting terror in her and you had to beware of them.  this happened in the land of Indiana. the deepest reddest part.  Then there was this blonde woman that used to hide in the attic and come out  to visit Nora., I never saw her, but  we had quite a get together.  We had fun, just me and Nora and the blonde woman, waitin' on those Holm boys.  and doing the "bad" thing, dressing in those clothes.   Then when I got scared that I would have to come east, I left most of my wardrobe with Nora.  I knew from much faith that god would always provide for me, nice clothing.  Never did I beg him for that.  Seems you always have to beg for other things, NEVER clothing, even the opposite kind, the ones they asked me why I wore.

 I must mention  Nora had a grown son, whom I never met while Bill was alive, so on meeting him  only with Nora one day ,he looked suspicious at me,  and I'm sure he had  difficulty completely trusting  me. having never met me while Bill was alive,  and being around his mother now, and I wasn't even dressed in those "special clothes."  Folks from Indiana are very protective of their kin, as we all tend to be, but more so in Indiana.
  Why beg for all kinds of  healing when god providing those "special" clothes is  enough healing even with times of  trouble, and whoever this god is, provided Nora   a wonderful woman and a dear friend, and then,  Gee! when she disappeared, with all those clothes locked in her house, heartache and panic ensued. Why?  because to this day I could think about the clothing that I can't find or  replace,   swearing that I'd never, never, purge my stuff ever again.  For bible fans, this could be like the story of Elijah , living with a widow woman and her sick son. and what did he do all day?.  Couldn't leave the house, like the town marshal told me, because Jezebel and Ahab, like TallMan and Newt, were watching him and if the widow was like Nora, who disappeared with all his clothing locked in her house guarded day and night by her "sick" son and the Holm boys, whats a man to do? he can't drink, no water, no rain,  mood swings and rage? so, having these clothes sounds like the healing god intended doesn't it?

Saturday, September 7, 2013

what really is the big deal about marriage

So, what really is the big deal about marriage in general? I would think that the SAME SEX couple might just be more faithful to the commitment. Whether they have a "religious" ceremony or not, I would prefer not going through the "religious" thing, with their VOWS and all that, Because you know what the BIBLE said about VOWS, that if you defer not to pay "the VOWS" that it could be bad luck. 'look it up" in the Bible.  So, if there is truly LOVE there, who would break the VOW? or truly a partnership of "help mates" together. Who would need but a bare minimum of Government intrusion, like only for legal purposes, taxes and such. And unless you love the emotional ceremony of the Religious service, this can be done away with, you could preform your own "Religious" service in the hotel room, or spa or such like. I always had a problem with  marriage, not only because as child I was exposed to my aunt as a bride who danced the polka, and just swung her gown around. What a Scary thing for some young children like myself? I'm still not married at 62, a traumatized. I enjoy chatting with married women, and their husband don't find me a threat. I'm like one of the girls, I believe and dress just like them at times. See, without the "possessiveness" that many times comes with marriage VOWS and jealousies which is the rage of a man, and he will not be satisfied though you give to him many gifts, it's in the proverbs I believe, "instructions for young people." With LOVE as a trust, we can be FREE, Also in HEAVEN (I believe its the spirit realm) there is no marriage nor giving in marriage, for we are like the angels in HEAVEN. and like about only 3x in the New Testament, being IN Christ, there is neither Male nor Female, now being IN CHRIST, I'd believe is being WALKING INI THE SPIRIT or in Spirit Realm, where we WANT to be  whether Alive or Passed ON. or IN the BODY or OUT of the BODY. See, we are not gonna have this same body in the Spirit Realm, so we will not recognize each other as we do NOW, Sorry! for those who want to keep the "Circle Unbroken" and see Uncle Joe, and Aunt Margaret as they are NOW with all their little foibles, and faults, anyways wasn't Uncle Joe kind of an asshole at sometimes, or we ourselves assholes too? But we'll see the REAL Self of each of us, none of this hiding. Laid BARE before each of us tee hee. ha ha ha makes ya wanna hang around GAY folks doesn't it?. Think about it, if you can, it's probably a lot to swallow, so take your time and.later on.