Tuesday, September 17, 2013

what's the News on NEW RD. in the still of the night?

What's it like on, New Rd, in the still of the night, really still, it's stiller then still, so still it should be illegal to be that still, in one given moment. Get the picture of one section of New Road only one is awake at night, and somewhat moving, and even in daytime it's still fairly still, except for more cars zooming by down the street, and it seems as though as soon as I'd start to move, towards the mailbox sure as shootin' a car will go by, or if I start backing, like math another car. If I stay in the house and didn't move, then no cars would come by, seems like it on New Rd., though, and I thought Indiana was slow? Just waiting on a transvestite to appear,and to brighten up the night or day, my take on the wonderful world of Transvestitites, if there is a god, then god created transvestites to brighten the night, and the day, ANGELS to give us all hope, for a better day to come. Makes you want to go right out and become a transvestite doesn't it?  Well, do you have a better explanation of what and why you may or may not be called to the high and holy privilege of being a Transvestite? Even those who are called, may wonder how to respond if someone ask you the question, " Why do you do that?" and in Indiana," Why do you dress like that?"" your a man!!  then dress like one"  Why do you choose to wear a uniform and drive around in cars with flashing lights? It's that natural? . I'll bet Officers TallMan, Newt and Donal may still be wondering about that anomaly that went through their town. "Why was he dressed as a girl?" and some of them still have wet dreams over this! TallMan even launched his own investigation and I don't truly know how and why, but I saw him drive into an apartment complex where I was at in his squad car, and talk to a fellow , who was always up late at night looking out his window. Weird couple they were,  I met them. I'd sware this guy was in on this investigation, because I was out walking around at night and I'm sure he saw me. This  in a way fits with  Yard Sale Older Lady, who accused me of stalking her. I found out later that a fellow in my town who had a car exactly like mine even down to similar license plate numbers so close, it could pin me. This fellow had been doing a job in which he drove that road every day. Now speak of coincidence ? Sounds pretty eerily  far fetched doesn't it? I still scratch my head over it. See, all this evidence TallMan had been gathering on me, for what good  reason? Probably as evidence to slander me if I ever decided to run for office. Just like the time while in the Navy. I was out on a sunday night doing laundry,  in El Cajon.  I carefully washed and  dried the one precious skirt I had acquired in a raid of a thrift store in San Luis Obispo, don't worry, no shots were fired, it was in a bag left outside, for me, see how god works. Before doing my laundry I purchased a new corn cob pipe you know for what? and smoked a teeny weenie bit of a teeny weeny bit, after my laundry was done, then duh, I decided to park in a dark spot in the parking lot next to the laundrymat and smoke more. I didn't know that this  dark spot was reserved for Officers of the El Cajon Police Department and soon found myself being told to "get out of the car" and the officers were searching through Jack-in-the-box rappers saying, "Don't you ever clean this car?' They found the smoke in the glove box.  I thought much later, what if they only caught me in the skirt?  Would I have been cuffed and made to ride downtown? It's only speculation now, but I got busted for pot to save that one and only precious skirt. It all worked out, an eternal night in jail, an eternal hour at the shore patrol station , and the long walk out of that van in front of all the other seamen  at break, would the U.S. Navy have paraded me through that crowd if I had been busted for and had that skirt on? jezus!! curses! but it was all just a little stunt I believe for most of the San Diego and surrounding police departments are  ex-navy. and surprisingly  the public defender never found those files on me. But I'll bet if I ever decide to run for office, some how those files will mysteriously  show up, where could they be? it's why so many good people never run for office for fear of those missing files showing up, and not  so much for the pot but for that precious little skirt.    

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