Monday, September 9, 2013

Nora, good woman, Bill's wife till, Bill's death. FREE at last...

 I  must  tell you now  about Nora, she was so wonderful, Nora was Bill's wife, I worked with Bill in the orchard and the tree farm, he was the one who carried the oil can, so as to oil the chain on the chainsaw. Bill said it was the hardest job for a retiree to do, but we had fun working while Frank, who owned the farm,  walked around , he liked to get away, but his wife didn't want him out by himself he was around 80.

 Well, let's get back to Nora, I  never sat  much with her while Bill was alive and never met his son then. Nora  was different, but I could dig her,she was a bit older,  but, when one terribly needs to dress up in those "special" clothes, a friend like Nora is essential.  She was lonely after Bill died, and I could go over late at night and dress for her. Nora would give  pointers on lipstick an so on. I then I would dress and model all my "pretty" clothes for her, drink coffee and  kiss and hug,  just two of us girls, enjoying each others company, and chatting, you know, girl stuff.  Nora would tell me stories about how Bll, she thought, liked to wear her housecoat and  would warn her about the Holm boys,  for he was one himself.   I must tell you about the Holm boys. I never met them ,  Nora warned me that they would roar up and down the county road, in their pickup trucks,  putting terror in her and you had to beware of them.  this happened in the land of Indiana. the deepest reddest part.  Then there was this blonde woman that used to hide in the attic and come out  to visit Nora., I never saw her, but  we had quite a get together.  We had fun, just me and Nora and the blonde woman, waitin' on those Holm boys.  and doing the "bad" thing, dressing in those clothes.   Then when I got scared that I would have to come east, I left most of my wardrobe with Nora.  I knew from much faith that god would always provide for me, nice clothing.  Never did I beg him for that.  Seems you always have to beg for other things, NEVER clothing, even the opposite kind, the ones they asked me why I wore.

 I must mention  Nora had a grown son, whom I never met while Bill was alive, so on meeting him  only with Nora one day ,he looked suspicious at me,  and I'm sure he had  difficulty completely trusting  me. having never met me while Bill was alive,  and being around his mother now, and I wasn't even dressed in those "special clothes."  Folks from Indiana are very protective of their kin, as we all tend to be, but more so in Indiana.
  Why beg for all kinds of  healing when god providing those "special" clothes is  enough healing even with times of  trouble, and whoever this god is, provided Nora   a wonderful woman and a dear friend, and then,  Gee! when she disappeared, with all those clothes locked in her house, heartache and panic ensued. Why?  because to this day I could think about the clothing that I can't find or  replace,   swearing that I'd never, never, purge my stuff ever again.  For bible fans, this could be like the story of Elijah , living with a widow woman and her sick son. and what did he do all day?.  Couldn't leave the house, like the town marshal told me, because Jezebel and Ahab, like TallMan and Newt, were watching him and if the widow was like Nora, who disappeared with all his clothing locked in her house guarded day and night by her "sick" son and the Holm boys, whats a man to do? he can't drink, no water, no rain,  mood swings and rage? so, having these clothes sounds like the healing god intended doesn't it?

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