Saturday, September 7, 2013

what really is the big deal about marriage

So, what really is the big deal about marriage in general? I would think that the SAME SEX couple might just be more faithful to the commitment. Whether they have a "religious" ceremony or not, I would prefer not going through the "religious" thing, with their VOWS and all that, Because you know what the BIBLE said about VOWS, that if you defer not to pay "the VOWS" that it could be bad luck. 'look it up" in the Bible.  So, if there is truly LOVE there, who would break the VOW? or truly a partnership of "help mates" together. Who would need but a bare minimum of Government intrusion, like only for legal purposes, taxes and such. And unless you love the emotional ceremony of the Religious service, this can be done away with, you could preform your own "Religious" service in the hotel room, or spa or such like. I always had a problem with  marriage, not only because as child I was exposed to my aunt as a bride who danced the polka, and just swung her gown around. What a Scary thing for some young children like myself? I'm still not married at 62, a traumatized. I enjoy chatting with married women, and their husband don't find me a threat. I'm like one of the girls, I believe and dress just like them at times. See, without the "possessiveness" that many times comes with marriage VOWS and jealousies which is the rage of a man, and he will not be satisfied though you give to him many gifts, it's in the proverbs I believe, "instructions for young people." With LOVE as a trust, we can be FREE, Also in HEAVEN (I believe its the spirit realm) there is no marriage nor giving in marriage, for we are like the angels in HEAVEN. and like about only 3x in the New Testament, being IN Christ, there is neither Male nor Female, now being IN CHRIST, I'd believe is being WALKING INI THE SPIRIT or in Spirit Realm, where we WANT to be  whether Alive or Passed ON. or IN the BODY or OUT of the BODY. See, we are not gonna have this same body in the Spirit Realm, so we will not recognize each other as we do NOW, Sorry! for those who want to keep the "Circle Unbroken" and see Uncle Joe, and Aunt Margaret as they are NOW with all their little foibles, and faults, anyways wasn't Uncle Joe kind of an asshole at sometimes, or we ourselves assholes too? But we'll see the REAL Self of each of us, none of this hiding. Laid BARE before each of us tee hee. ha ha ha makes ya wanna hang around GAY folks doesn't it?. Think about it, if you can, it's probably a lot to swallow, so take your time and.later on. 


  1. You know that's what I said when Connecticut first passed same-sex marriage, and what I still say now that Dona fucking Ana County, NM has passed it. It will never mean anything for me because I seriously doubt I'll ever get to that point in any relationship. It was never going to happen back when I was still " Frog" Oropal; and it still seems to be but a faint candle's glow on the horizon; or should I say in the Oregon Coastal Fog and Rain in winter. I just erased that fucking bitch's phone number, Theresa from Rutland, VT, from my phone. I also "Unfriended her on Facebook. She seemed to be a really nice person, however, the comment she made to me when I called her last Tuesday night [ right before you] and she said something to the effect of " Did you take your medication today?"; then after I told her I don't take that shit,she continued " Well you should because my sister asked you four questions and you just went right on talking!" Right then I felt like saying " Fuck you bitch!! I thought I was talking to you, not your goddamn sister!" But I said nothing, realizing that, once again, little Ms. Country Music fan who works as a nurse after majoring in a CERTIFICATE PROGRAM in community college, and yes,listens to Toby Keith and has that stupid Kid Rock Song about the good old days of getting drunk and singing "Sweet Home Alabama" all summer long made me realize that this chick and I HAVE NOTHING IN COMMON! SHE IS STUPID WITH A CAPITAL "S"! As for the others I've met so far on Zoosk and It goes no farther than the 1st or 2nd email and POOF! OVER!

  2. Right now I feel trapped between some of the cutest LGBT chicks I see here at the university, and the hard-working fast food employees at NMSU's Dona Ana Community College; and a generation I share a chronological age with, but nothing else really! [Unless you're talking the fucking [excuse me] " Rebo-tards" on SSD/SSI who take their zombie pills as told and go to their little "Day program" like the compliant little 'tards many are.] That said, I just don't know what these fucking women I meet online want to hear! They probably do not want to hear about some aging "Jane Q. College" Person who never learned how to live on her own.Hell I'm not even as "adult" as the 20 year olds I am friends with here at school! case in point, my friend Kathryn P. a cute, straight neo-hippie woman who recently accused me of trying to " Bully her into accepting my political posts on her Facebook Account". This over a comment I made about how our school is " borrowing" $4.2 million from academics, annually; then transferring it over to sports and a losing football team. She removed it out of fear that it would offend those with differing beliefs. POLITICAL CORRECTNESS! back to relationships and how, for me they never seem to get off the ground; for others, they seem to eventually fail! Over the summer I read an article on about how monogamy for humans may not even be a natural thing. Referring to heterosexual male v. female relationships,the article claimed that scientists have discovered that monogamy is exclusively a socially-driven concept; for humans anyway! That being the reason that so many eventually come to disagree with their partners and/or fight; or more commonly become DRAMA QUEENS!Every one of these " crusty old bitter bitches" [35-62 age group career queen lesbians] whose ad I read online usually states that they " have no time for drama". Now I mentioned that yes, I am all drama queen. Most of these bitter pillboxes seem to be seeking perfection. Something I don't know even exists. However I can see myself passing up woman after woman because she mentions something I hate; be it " Friends and family are very important to me", or maybe a TV show I hate or job, etc. I admit that I am not really flexible, and yes, I don't necessarily place other's comfort ahead of my own self-driven interests! I can see the huge difference here between my friend Kathryn and myself earlier tonight. Anyway, fuck it. When I first arrived at NMSU/DACC, often I pondered if it were even possible to date younger, as in rob the cradle of 18-24 year old lesbians and bi-chicks here at the university. [ Emotionally, I'm probably the same age of they are, definitely not at the maturity-level of those bitter career queens Match and Zoosk match me up with.] However, reality soon set in; or has it?
