Tuesday, August 27, 2013

A Milestone is reached on New Road,

A milestone on New Road, Mr. L passed on. Where did Mr L. go? Catholics think positively that Mr. L went to Heaven IF he died in the state of Grace, with no major sins, venial or mortal,  so that he would have to work them off in purgatory. Oh! of course Mr. L went right  to Heaven, being 100 years old, how could he not? In his life, as I remember, he took up the collection in the 1960's at church, his daughter went to school with me, a couple years ahead because she was older, and his other daughter was much older. How could he not go to heaven, knowing the rigamarole of rules involved in the church, that later was done away with.  Who could keep all those rules, catholics?  Some are sooo good and SOME, not so good.  Even if you never went to mass again, if ask,  you always say Catholic, with no doubt.  Is there any doubt, you probably don't know the bible, but who needs to be cluttered with that knowledge?  Whatever the priest, or the Baltimore catachism, says is good enough. Look at those Evangelicals, how screwy they are. Of course they say the same thing, whatever the preacher preaches is OK, as long as we think he knows the bible, why should we read it, that takes so much  work, is it really worth it? It's in latin, or greek or hebrew, and who knows those languages these days and after all there are no originals, only copies, so who knows what? Maybe the Holy Ghost or holy ghost?  and where is he these days, if he is a he, maybe he's not a he or she, maybe an IT. Oh god!!!! thats to much so lets just leave now before it's to late, Okay...     

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