Tuesday, August 13, 2013

an early Tuesday morning and I'm at it.

oh WOW it's an early Tuesday morning and I'm at it. Did I intro you to my father? The guy who etched his face in stone and hasn't changed it towards me in all these years. So what, if my brother and I, didn't become baseball players and weren't exactly the toughest kids on the block, pinning us and wrestling to toughen us up  didn't exactly work.  But, speaking for myself, having been the one that got away from home for awhile, and saw and lived something different, I think I did toughen up, maybe not meaning to, I became similar to his drill sargeant in boot camp, now this just isn't right, or is it, a SON he never got to know, being like his drill sargeant in marine boot camp at Camp Lajeune and Parris island. A SON, who started in the Air Force and later the NAVY to become a Hospital Corpsman. Later to be demoted in civilian life to a Nurse Aide, for the simple reason, he became a civilian, after 8 yrs in the military service. A SON who has a associate degree as a Medical Assistant from a state college in Indiana. Who also made an attempt at Nursing school, Gee, what else could get to this guy? What if HIS SON were to be his full time nurse aide complete with DRESS, SKIRT, BLOUSE, WHITE PANTY HOSE, or maybe, just bulky, dumpy, long skirt, clogs, just enough femininity to make this 91 year father, scowl and frown some more, Would this be the thing to make a father think,WHAT HAPPENED?. Probably NOT, I am just guessing on past behavior, all I can go on objectivity, for I never was really able to have a meaningful, personal discussion with my father, so that I could get a subjective assessment of him. Can you begin to get the picture? Where the only discussions I had was something HE wanted, like voting for the governor, so HE could have 4 more years to retire on, didn't he know I lived in another state? duh, didn't dawn on me to tell him, more people would know this, you'd think. This guy never even asked how the service was for me, like most SONS coming home. So, could this kind of thing have an effect on a SONS need to crossdress more and maybe for the objective of luring another man, partly as a rebellion against the MALE toughening behavior and partly as a need for a MAN in ones life.  And now I will leave it right there to let you think about it...   

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