Sunday, August 4, 2013

Oh! The Strange and Wonderful World of Transvestism...

To Me Transvestism brings to mind even the slightly macabre, not in a dangerous way as in causing harm, so fear not the transvestite, as I venture to say that if one comes across, "on a cold lonely desert highway " a lady roaming,"a ghost?" no I say a transvestite! out for a walk in the wee hours, a harmless soul, looking to be spotted by the unsuspecting. I hope there is more that venture forth in such manner, for the world needs such.
The unsuspecting, fairy tale-ish charm, the simple,
 and joyful. I was incredibly inspired by a transvestite, flitting around the back, behind a wrought iron fence of a Denver gay bar in the late 1970's, gave me hope for my life and inspiration, later to be heeded. So never fear to come out and be the transvestite that you have always been called to. It was planted in you as a young child,  am I the only one that has this need to dress as the opposite sex, no, I am not. If they question your manliness, then say. "Who is the more man?" What man would do as I do?  After the initial, I continually was alerted many times to anything that pertained to "dressing" no matter how small. I never lacked for any clothing, if I heeded the call, "the gods"
provided for me many times in abundance, never lacking, not much money at times but clothing galore. Do not ever purge the wardrobe that the gods provide, do not doubt , my child. I did a Southern Gospel radio show in the early 90's and while hunting up old records to play, old quartets of the 50's and 60's mainly, would always find clothes to wear, I wonder how many in southern gospel music go for the sake of watching the quartet ladys dressed in beautiful skirts and dresses, I love it! not so much the music anymore but the attire. I remember attending concerts at churches where I would slip out before the food was completely put away so as to dress in a skirt in my dark car. I guess the Lord doesn't mind, for he said, "greater is he that is in you then he that is in the world" I believe transvestism must be greater then that for it has always ruled out, as the "the thing" that is greater then what he put in me. I find that this is what I was born to do, above any thing else. I lose a job I worked for, but I cannot lose the desire to dress-up. If church forbid this practice, they will lose, NOT the transvestites, transvestism is the Rock of which all will be ground to dust, if it is messed with, a find flour-like dust,too!!! I might add....

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