Wednesday, August 21, 2013

A Queer is found on New Road

 No No not in my day!!! What was a queer anyway,  a Mo, what's a Mo?  All I knew was you might be  called that if,  and a  dreaded if, by god you touch another boy, by accident even. Translates over to me, that I don't want to be caught in that extremely desirable, sensual, sexy, skirt or dress.  So, what's a boy to do, mind you? I made it through a wet dream, and I had never even heard it existed, and was not scared. Who was gonna tell me this in a 1950's small town , catholic transcript-controlled town and state like Connecticut at the time. You should have seen the book we bought at the back of the catholic church, for teaching young boys about sex, Dad was to read sections to us as we came of age. Thank you, William Goldman for your books like Temple of Gold and Boys and Girls Together and John Knowles for a Separate Peace, Salingers Catcher in the Rye, too. In one of these was a boys first time in the city, looking at the room across the way  and seeing a man dressing in women's clothing, with the curtains open. I don't recall which book,  but there is more of us, I am not alone, by God.

This is a little bit of the setting for how and why I was formed to think. If you could see how I dress, it is from a bygone era, but, the clothes are still here and women are still wearing similar styles, with  little variations.   You might see me on a full moon, walking the street, enjoying myself, and only myself, being the only one awake.  If you would only come by, we may enjoy each other together. 

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