I was remembering , the other day when I was sitting in Officer Donals office being interrogated, by Officer Donal himself, a smug man, and pudgy,of self importance of slightly english breeding, I say slightly because he was a cop. Why did he pick the land of Indianas to practice in a small town. He was suspicious of me from the time I set foot in his town. HIS town, his town should have been called "Donal" rather then my first name, which is Werner. How dare they name His town after me, a stranger.. Then Georgee the elderly lady I was staying with, had, had " people of color" in her house. oooh!!!and now she's having a transvestite?. So, that automatically pins me as some one to watch, and we're both from the east, having at some point in our lives lived in the land of Connect-i-cut, and I being born in the northern part. I might mention that having been in radio in those parts of Indiana, a listener said once all his life he wanted to see someone from Connect-i-cut. This Officer Donal may have had the same fixation. This really leads to some interesting conclusions and assumptions.
I continued living that short time, making acquaintences of some of the blacker sheeps in the town, one in particular was man called Shuttlecock, his profession was leading cops on wild goose chases through town, while swinging in trees, a tree man by trade. He was the only one concerned enough to ask me about work,and offering me some. Then there was "Quiet man", Doyle, who sat by himself while eating at Mom & Pops cafe, who claimed to be able to fix a certain types of rare automobiles no longer in production, his yard was strewn all over with them. Need I say more, but I must mention Pepi the Mexican fellow with his son, Tuny, pronounced like Turny, saying, " stop it Tuny, No Tuny" who fixed and repaired shipping pallets,and who introduced me to "Quiet man" Doyle, after I hit a coyote at night while driving through cornfields. They never devulged to me any knowledge of my secret pastimes. There was talking and questioning of key people, like Georgee I lived with and her two derelict roomers, one which was named Danny B, who told me flat out, that the only reason I did this was to attract men, he said he saw this behavior while in the Air Force. I knew Officer Donal and his cohorts had been around, snooping, for Georgee mentioned vaque things about, "why I'd never think that men would dress in women's clothes, why I'll never understand" like this befuddled her, and Danny B, came running downstairs one night when I returned, to see what I looked like. Seeing nothing peculiar, he preceded back upstairs, I'm sure disappointed. What did he think? that I would return dressed fully in drag in this small Indiana town? duh? After all, Donal had specifically told me to keep this behavior behind closed doors. I hope no one peeked in the front windows late at night as I tiptoes down the stairs in full regalia, white skirt, pink sweater and white graduation heels, woe. Georgee's apartment was a converted storefront, fancy place, high ceilings and more like a lawyers office then an apartment, this is why during the day people would open the door if unlocked and ask where such and such a business was, not where hoosiers would think to have an apartment. Nonetheless, you can see that in these parts, my behavior and Georgees would draw whimsical looks.
Oh, and the library where the internet was wont to be used, the early days when it was all new and people were scared, and what did the librarian know of such goings on, she must have known something, she seemed cool though, I'm sure Officer Donal and possibly TallMan and wise-ass Newt were in and out questioning her of my character, or what they thought I was surfing for, more information about my secret pastime, what else?
One saturday I returned to town and Officer Donal, saunters up to my car an asks if I have a few minutes, for Officer TallMan wants to question me and he will be right there. I didn't fully realize at the time how much information he was gathering on his investigation, probably nothing, or that he was investigating, even. I waited for TallMan as he came to town in his squad car and we sat in Officer Donal's little office, he rehashed how much I scared Yard Sale Lady and that they would be watching me, closely,. and they would see what "the prosecuter" would have to say. Oh, no not the "prosecutor," why such interest, was Officer TallMan interested in getting together with me for a little tryst? I had my suspicions though I didn't even know he was a detective at the time, nor of any investigation. They left it at that, they would be watching me, a little unnerving, but nothing ever happened, I am a good boy, as I said. All this investigation going on as I mentioned about the questioning of this weird fellow an his wife up in Anders, where I would visit a "crippled" lady and walk outside at night, in drag. Weird fellow saw me for I could see his pin head in the window, the only other one awake at night, besides me. I told Officer TallMan about said fellow who had a car exactly like mine, with license numbers so similar, and I found that the owner was working a job in Anders and drove by Yard Sale Lady's house on the main road every day during that time, such a coincidence it sounds eerie, doesn't it? This is small town Indiana life, they know your there even though you don't know they know, and no one will ever tell you either. Small unassuming states called the" "Cross"roads of America" may be interpreted in two ways, while driving through from east to west never stopping or, if you decide to stay, they can be CROSS with you until they get to trust you, which may never come, or may come only with a few people nice people, it's a nice place but toe the mark and don't veer off the straight and narrow...It's the CROSS of Christ you see, and don't you forget it!!...(more exciting tales to come)
I continued living that short time, making acquaintences of some of the blacker sheeps in the town, one in particular was man called Shuttlecock, his profession was leading cops on wild goose chases through town, while swinging in trees, a tree man by trade. He was the only one concerned enough to ask me about work,and offering me some. Then there was "Quiet man", Doyle, who sat by himself while eating at Mom & Pops cafe, who claimed to be able to fix a certain types of rare automobiles no longer in production, his yard was strewn all over with them. Need I say more, but I must mention Pepi the Mexican fellow with his son, Tuny, pronounced like Turny, saying, " stop it Tuny, No Tuny" who fixed and repaired shipping pallets,and who introduced me to "Quiet man" Doyle, after I hit a coyote at night while driving through cornfields. They never devulged to me any knowledge of my secret pastimes. There was talking and questioning of key people, like Georgee I lived with and her two derelict roomers, one which was named Danny B, who told me flat out, that the only reason I did this was to attract men, he said he saw this behavior while in the Air Force. I knew Officer Donal and his cohorts had been around, snooping, for Georgee mentioned vaque things about, "why I'd never think that men would dress in women's clothes, why I'll never understand" like this befuddled her, and Danny B, came running downstairs one night when I returned, to see what I looked like. Seeing nothing peculiar, he preceded back upstairs, I'm sure disappointed. What did he think? that I would return dressed fully in drag in this small Indiana town? duh? After all, Donal had specifically told me to keep this behavior behind closed doors. I hope no one peeked in the front windows late at night as I tiptoes down the stairs in full regalia, white skirt, pink sweater and white graduation heels, woe. Georgee's apartment was a converted storefront, fancy place, high ceilings and more like a lawyers office then an apartment, this is why during the day people would open the door if unlocked and ask where such and such a business was, not where hoosiers would think to have an apartment. Nonetheless, you can see that in these parts, my behavior and Georgees would draw whimsical looks.
Oh, and the library where the internet was wont to be used, the early days when it was all new and people were scared, and what did the librarian know of such goings on, she must have known something, she seemed cool though, I'm sure Officer Donal and possibly TallMan and wise-ass Newt were in and out questioning her of my character, or what they thought I was surfing for, more information about my secret pastime, what else?
One saturday I returned to town and Officer Donal, saunters up to my car an asks if I have a few minutes, for Officer TallMan wants to question me and he will be right there. I didn't fully realize at the time how much information he was gathering on his investigation, probably nothing, or that he was investigating, even. I waited for TallMan as he came to town in his squad car and we sat in Officer Donal's little office, he rehashed how much I scared Yard Sale Lady and that they would be watching me, closely,. and they would see what "the prosecuter" would have to say. Oh, no not the "prosecutor," why such interest, was Officer TallMan interested in getting together with me for a little tryst? I had my suspicions though I didn't even know he was a detective at the time, nor of any investigation. They left it at that, they would be watching me, a little unnerving, but nothing ever happened, I am a good boy, as I said. All this investigation going on as I mentioned about the questioning of this weird fellow an his wife up in Anders, where I would visit a "crippled" lady and walk outside at night, in drag. Weird fellow saw me for I could see his pin head in the window, the only other one awake at night, besides me. I told Officer TallMan about said fellow who had a car exactly like mine, with license numbers so similar, and I found that the owner was working a job in Anders and drove by Yard Sale Lady's house on the main road every day during that time, such a coincidence it sounds eerie, doesn't it? This is small town Indiana life, they know your there even though you don't know they know, and no one will ever tell you either. Small unassuming states called the" "Cross"roads of America" may be interpreted in two ways, while driving through from east to west never stopping or, if you decide to stay, they can be CROSS with you until they get to trust you, which may never come, or may come only with a few people nice people, it's a nice place but toe the mark and don't veer off the straight and narrow...It's the CROSS of Christ you see, and don't you forget it!!...(more exciting tales to come)
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